let me introduce myself (again)

If you’re anything like me, the first day of school you spend the whole day stressing about which “interesting fact” you’ll share that day. Something that’s not too try-hard, but allows you to show off just a little. I want to make a good first impression. I want my new classmates to think I’m cool! I want my crush to look my way! I have to come up with something SO interesting, there’s no way someone else could possibly say the same thing-

“I have a pet dog.”

That was usually my interesting fact along with 15 other people in class.

Basically, the need to make a good first impression never goes away because here I am at 22 years old, feeling the need to properly reintroduce myself to you guys.

I never know what to say when someone says “Tell me about yourself.” I don’t really love talking about myself.

I always feel like I’m advertising myself when I meet someone for the first time. I think - how can I perfectly sum myself up in a way that will make an amazing first impression on them? My introduction screams: BE MY FRIEND! I’M COOL! I SWEAR! One time I actually told someone, “I swear I’m way cooler once you get to know me.” I’m not sure if I ended up proving that statement to be true, but we’re clearly still working on our introductions.

Anyway, you get the point. I’m going to introduce myself now.

My name is Meredith Joy Good. I’m 22 years old (23 in November), I live at home with my parents and younger brother, I do online college, and I make YouTube videos about it all. That’s usually how I sum myself up when someone asks, it covers all the bases. I occasionally mention my coffee obsession and maybe bring up how much I love to travel but nothing beyond that.

What I don’t mention is:

I could eat ice cream for every meal and I crave sugar like it’s water.

I walk my dogs and ride my bike around the neighborhood I’ve lived in for 22 years.

The only TV show I truly enjoy is Friends and it’s been this way since 7th grade.

I used to hate writing but now it’s the only way I can feel at peace with my thoughts.

I rewatch movies for fun and cry at my favorite scenes regardless of how many times I’ve seen them.

I love to watch my friends smile and love it even more when they laugh at something I say.

I listen to old music on airplanes while pretending that I’m flying to another country - I imagine what it would be like if I actually just got up and left by myself.

Going to bed is impossible because that’s when I get my best creative ideas and waking up is my weakness because I don’t want to let go of my dreams.

I don’t introduce myself by saying I never wear matching socks or I have certain sweatshirts that don’t leave the house.

I don’t bring up my childhood stuffed animal or the fact that I always have to have cereal in the pantry.

Mentioning how I love secretly love hugs and surprises regardless of how much I complain about them never comes up.

There are actually a lot of things that don’t come up, but maybe that’s alright.

When I was a child I thought by 22 years old I would have it all figured out. The truth is, I’m so far from that.

I’m still learning about myself. Learning what I love, what I dislike, and what I can’t live without. I’m figuring out how I want to be treated and what I deserve. I’m beginning to enjoy spending time with myself. I’m discovering that maybe I don’t like popcorn as much as I thought I did.

I’m learning it’s okay if your favorite color changes every day. It’s okay if you’re still figuring yourself out. Take care of yourself, spend time with yourself, and become comfortable with change.

The older I get, the more I become friends with myself.

The more I become friends with myself, the more I begin to love the person God created.

It’s a crazy concept that I’m still working on but it’s cool to really get to know yourself.

The point of this wasn’t even to really introduce myself, it was to encourage you to learn about what makes you - YOU.

Take some time today to get to know the little details about yourself. Ask yourself what you love. Figure out what makes you feel like a kid again. Sit with the Lord and discover who He made you to be because chances are it’s someone really special.

You’re a lot cooler than you give yourself credit for.


I’ve sat and reread this a million times. I don’t think I actually introduced myself or made a very strong point in the first place…

I simply just can’t seem to find the right words lately.

Lately = months, because that’s how long it’s been since I’ve posted on here.

I’m all of a sudden very critical of my writing and out of nowhere - afraid to share my thoughts.

I’ve never felt shy on here but since it’s been so long, I’m stuck in my own head. I’m slowly getting back into the groove of writing. I’ve been having a lot of patience with myself during this little creative rut but I think I just need to rip the bandaid off and post. So I apologize if this isn’t my best blog post - we’re working on it.

I want to thank you if you read this far (hopefully you were able to get something out of this) and I want to just encourage you to take time this week - this month or this year to get to know yourself. Especially with school starting back up, it can be so easy to forget who you are and pretend to be someone you’re not.

My mom always says, “Just be true to yourself” and I can’t believe I’m using this quote in a blog post - but she’s right. The best person you could possibly be is yourself. I simply just want to encourage you.

You’re special. You’re one of a kind. You’re so loved.

Thanks for reading this all-over-the-place blog post. I’m happy you’re here.

xoxo, Mere


from: my notes app


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