what’s inspiring you lately?

I’ve sat down multiple times to write something, but no words seem to come out. I’ve been stuck in a deep writing slump. I forgot what writing for creative expression feels like and forgot what it was like to feel inspired.

As I stared at my blank computer screen for the 5th time this week, I decided I needed some major inspiration because Pinterest just wasn’t cutting it.

But what inspires me??? I was even struggling to answer this seemingly easy question.

What’s inspiring you lately?

I asked this on my Instagram as a journal prompt to hear what you guys had to say - hoping I would find inspiration from that (which did help, you guys had some amazingly sweet responses).

BUT - The longer I sat in front of blank pages and empty google docs, I decided I should answer it too. 

I’ve forgotten to take time to slow down and reflect. Maybe that’s why writing feels so hard to me lately.

So this is me, slowing down, reflecting, and sharing a piece of my scrambled mind.

For as long as I can remember sunsets have always captivated me. I felt like the sky was talking to me, turns out it was the Lord. 

He painted the sky in deep shades of orange and bright shades of pink. He reminded me of my unique beauty. He showed me how it felt to slow down and focus on one thing. He taught me what it felt like to be absolutely captivated by His beauty.

Since I was a kid, I had always been obsessed with movies. It would only be a matter of time before I completely turned myself into my favorite character. I would pick out the things that made them unique and would slowly start to add them into my own life - desperately trying to become as cool as whoever was on my screen that week. I loved the things that made them special and was captivated by the details that made them inspiring to me.

The Lord has always used little things to gain my attention. He knows I’m constantly seeking out the little details in life - that’s where I’ve found most of my inspiration.

The little details.

I find inspiration in the way my oat milk swirls into my coffee in the morning - creating a little whirlpool of sweetness.

I find inspiration in my messy room. My clothes are scattered, my bed unmade - but the light still shines brightly through my window causing everything to glow. It’s lived in and a little cluttered but it’s filled with little remnants of me. 

I find inspiration on the drive to my friend’s house. A long winding road, lined with green trees and white fences. Each leaf moves in its own direction, every bird flying its own path. 

I find inspiration at the grocery store. Everyone experiencing this day for the first time, living their own life, yet we somehow got lucky enough to be in the same spot at the same time.

I find inspiration when my mom laughs

when my dad asks about my day

when my dog licks my face because she’s excited to see me.

I find inspiration when it rains. When little raindrops run down my bedroom window and the only sound to be heard is the tv playing over the soothing sound of rainfall.

I feel inspired when I dance to the songs I used to cry to, or when I feel the sun on my skin after a week of gloom.

I’ve been finding inspiration in the weirdest, most unexpected places lately, but I think that’s how it’s supposed to be.

We’re not meant to find inspiration only on our screens. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good Pinterest board but we were designed to go out and find inspiration from the things around us.

God’s creation. 

I’ve been trying to silence and turn my ear away from the unnecessary noise lately. Combating lies, with the truth. Every day I’ve been trying to start my day with the Lord - completely unplugged and completely captivated. I reach for my Bible before I reach for my phone. I hear what the Lord is trying to say to me before I run to the internet to see what they say. Let me tell you, it’s a different type of peace. My days are completely different after running to my Father instead of running to my phone. 

He is my greatest inspiration. 

Pinterest can only do so much for me before I start to crave some real inspiration.

Maybe you’re craving something more right now. 

Maybe you don’t feel satisfied. 

You might feel like something is missing. 

Unplug from your phone for a minute. 

Step outside.

Watch the sunset,

make a cup of coffee,

go for a swim,

paint a silly little picture,

dance alone and sing super loud,

drive to your friend’s house

or call your mom.

Whatever it may be, notice that inspiration is everywhere. 

You don’t have to run far to find it.

His love is a lot closer than you think.


let me introduce myself (again)


you ask, i answer (part 3)