Thoughts on paper

A year ago today the idea of creating a blog was born.

The first little step that would lead to something cool - something I’m extremely proud of.

MAY 26TH 2022 2:33 PM - I wrote:

I want to start a blog and I will. Maybe someday, any day, very soon. Maybe tomorrow.

I feel like I have a lot to say. Some meaningful thoughts, some random ones, and some that probably should just stay inside my head. I also have a hard time putting my thoughts into words yet writing is the one way I feel like I can truly make sense of the thoughts that seem to scramble up in my head. 

This might be hard. Well, it is going to be hard. It’s new. It’s scary. It’s vulnerable. Putting a chunk of my brain on the internet and letting people read it is scary. But if there’s one way to make a tiny change and help some people (only if it’s a small handful) it’s to let them inside your head.

I’m not even going to let the thoughts of not being good enough, smart enough, or grammatically correct get into my head.

I’m already prepared. God has me.

So when I’m running a totally cool, and inspiring blog for people to see I can reread this and say to my past 21-year-old self sitting at the kitchen table,

“Ha. I told you so. You can do it.”

So get ready. This is only just the beginning.

I hope I don’t give up on this one.

Crazy how just a year ago, this was just a little idea on a piece of paper. Now here we are.

Sharing my journal pages with the internet - with my friends!

Sometimes (all the time) I think about baby Mere.

I think about middle school Mere who deleted her Youtube channel because she got made fun of even though she was extremely excited about it.

I think about high school Mere who was terrified to present her senior project explaining to her classmates that she wanted to make videos when she got older.

I think about Mere a year ago who believed the lies that she was terrible with words and was told she needed to tell people how she felt more.

If anything I want this blog post to encourage you today. I want this to help you rediscover old passions and help you seek the things that bring you joy.

I want to encourage you to take a baby step in the direction of your dreams.

Please don’t let the fear of others get in the way of what you feel called to do.

My blog is so special to me. It’s a little symbol of my personal growth. It’s me finally doing something for my younger self.

Decide to not give up on your dreams today.

Chose to do something that little you would be beaming at. Make yourself proud.

Take a step of faith.

I believe in you.

After years of feeling lost, I finally found a hidden passion of mine. I finally committed to myself and decided that giving up was not an option. With the help and encouragement of so many of you, close friends, and family - I was able to turn my thoughts on paper, into a reality.

Now here we are,

still chasing dreams.

We’re in this together.

I trust that the Lord has such amazing plans for each and every one of you. He is absolutely crazy about you. His love is all you need. Let Him lead you to places you couldn’t even imagine. I’m so glad I’m learning to hear His voice and walk in whatever direction He calls me. This blog definitely feels like one of those steps - an act of obedience.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for cheering me on. Little Mere wouldn’t believe her eyes. Thank you for letting me share my thoughts with you. You make it easy to be vulnerable. Blessed beyond belief.

I <3 you


you ask, i answer (part 3)

