you ask, i answer

HEY FRIENDS! This week you guys asked me questions over on my little blog insta (@blogbymere) and today I’m going to be answering a couple. I really love this idea so you guys can get to know me bit better, especially those of you who are new here! So, let’s get into it! Enjoy my unqualified advice.

What made you want to start a blog?

Right off the bat, we need to cover this one first. The truth is I had never even considered starting a blog until May 2022. I had barely read any blogs let alone THOUGHT about sharing my writing. For as long as I could remember I actually hated writing. It was my lowest grade in school and to be honest my dad wrote a lot of my essays… It wasn't until I started writing for myself, that I fell in love with documenting my thoughts, ideas, and dreams. The more I wrote, the more I imagined myself sharing it with other people. So! Hence the blog! A safe place to share my journal entries and hopefully impact/encourage you guys to share your own wonderful gifts with people too.

What advice would you give your 16 year old self?

Wow. Thinking about 16 year old Mere makes me want to cry. This is cringe 16 year old Mere for reference:

I could probably write a book of things to say to her. She would be so proud of me now. She really would be. I think I would tell her to hold on. I would tell her to slow down, appreciate where she’s at and let God do the heavy lifting. 16 year old Mere felt things way too deeply. She was way too hard on herself and never gave herself enough credit. I would tell her that her prayers will be answered. In Gods timing, not hers. I would give her a huge hug too. (She claims she hates them but really loves them and wishes people hugged her more). 16 year old Mere was so special and I wish I could tell her how much God loves her. It makes me really emotional thinking about my younger self. Every phase of life is so precious and I think we need to remember that more often.

What caused your love for written letters?

I’m such a sucker for sentimental things. I have a whole box of little keepsakes like cards, letters, tickets - you name it. So, the fact that someone took time our of their day to hand write a letter to me is so special. I’ll keep it forever.

I’ve just always loved letters honestly. I love writing them for people, receiving them and being able to look back on them. Letters are just so special. Someones specific, unique handwriting. It’s such a small act, yet it holds so much love and meaning. I wish more people wrote letters. So this is your sign to write a loved one a special little love letter.

How do you stop comparing yourself to others?

I have a sticker on my laptop that says “comparison is the thief of happiness” and it’s absolutely true. Comparison has always been a big struggle of mine. It still is. It’s so easy to compare yourself to other people. Once you start, you just can’t stop. It’s a terrible cycle. Trust me, I’ve been there. Something that has helped me stop comparing myself to others is remembering who created me. The God of the universe. You were created in His image. Unique. For your own perfect purpose. Just because someone else is beautiful, talented or whatever it may - does not mean you are anything less than them. You are beautifully unique. Get into the habit of remembering who God created you to be.

What is something you wish you knew a year ago?

I wish I knew I was allowed to take up space. That I did not have to shrink myself, or dim myself down in order for other people to shine. Not even just last year but for a lot of my life I dimmed myself down so others could flourish. I felt as if I wasn’t allowed to have success on my own in fear of making some else feel bad. Which don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with letting your friends/family shine and maybe taking a step back! BUT! When it becomes a habit and you feel bad for being proud of yourself, that’s when it becomes an issue. Friends should be happy for you and your success. They should lift you up and push you to great lengths. I wish I knew that a year ago. 

How to “feel more like yourself” when you're feeling down?

I think the first thing is to realize you’re going to have days that are harder than most, and that’s okay! For me, getting myself to do little things that make me feel good are so essential. Things like: taking a bath, reading a new book, lighting a candle, spending some time with Jesus, CLEANING MY ROOM (my favorite hack to instantly feeling better), or even just putting on a comfort show. Little things I know make me feel comforted. Simply just showing yourself some extra love. I know that it won’t magically turn my day around, but it will make me feel a little more myself when I’m in a rut. 

How do you spread the word of God to family members/people who don’t believe?

I think the biggest thing you can do to spread the word of God to family members or friends who don’t believe is to just love them and spend intentional time with them. Pray for them, encourage them and never stop loving on them. Even if they never admit it, they will appreciate that so much. Let God’s love shine through you. Plant the seed and watch Him do the rest.

The biggest tip for quiet time?

My daily quiet time is the best part of my day. Just being able to sit with God is the ultimate comfort. For me, the biggest tip would be to pray and be intentional with your quiet time. Sit in His love, read His word and be vulnerable by yourself. Setting apart a specific time everyday that you just sit with God is key. Devotionals have definitely helped me get into a habit of having that daily quiet time. I’ll link some of my favorite devotionals for you to check out!

How to be open about your faith?

I always thought that I needed to have it all together, all figured out and perfected to be open about my faith. This is so far from the truth. Once you form that relationship with Jesus, you’re not going to want to keep it to yourself. His love, light and wisdom will ultimately shine through you! Be confident that He will lead you!

How does God speak to you?

I love this question SO much because up until this year I struggled with this a lot. God has used friendships to open my eyes and heart to His glory. He is always near. I think God uses writing to speak to me. Writing has went from something I used to dread, to becoming the way I feel closest to God. Sitting with Him and journaling intentionally, has connected me with God in ways I have prayed for. Everyone hears God in different ways and that to me is so beautiful. I think the first step to figuring out how He speaks to you is to just sit with Him. Allow your heart to be free and vulnerbale. Bring everything to His feet. He wants to hear from you just as much as you want to hear from Him.

WELL! Those are some questions you guys asked! I hope I was able to answer your question in a way that is helpful and makes sense haha. I am definetly going to do another one of these little Q&A blogs in the near future. Gave me something to talk about and brought some creativity back into my writing. You guys are awesome.

If you read all the way to the end,

I <3 you.

Have the best day ever.

You are loved.

xoxo, MERE




friend diaries