
Today I came across a baby picture of me. I was in a rush, looking for a charger and my eyes stopped on the scrapbook sitting on the coffee table upstairs. I picked it up and opened right to a picture of little baby Mere. I had a huge smile on my face. Crooked glasses, messy hair, and a bright little bathing suit smiling up at my parents taking the picture. I continued looking through the photos, no longer in a rush, and began to appreciate the little baby grin I seemed to have on my face in all the pictures.

At first, I was really nostalgic looking at these photos. Thinking (what I’m assuming) most of us think, “Man life was easier back then! I would love to be a little kid again.” I longed for childlike joy and the responsibilities of a 5-year-old. I wished eating mac and cheese for every meal was acceptable and that my life consisted of Polly Pockets & morning cartoons.

Looking at baby Mere, a thought came up: that’s fully how God sees me. His little child!

He sees all of us like that.

He sees us as His little baby children! Eyes sparkling with innocent grins spread across our faces. Outwardly looking like a mess but not having care in the world because all you’re concerned about is your dad taking your picture.

We are God’s children. I’m His DAUGHTER! What an amazing Father we have.

He loves me just the same as a child. He’s patient, gentle, forgiving, and faithful.

The way our parents would celebrate our first step is how He celebrates EVERY step we take toward Him. He rejoices when we choose to obediently walk with Him, when we choose to spend intentional time with Him, and when He hears our voices.

Lately, throughout my days I find myself in non-stop communication with the Lord. I’m constantly thinking of Him and talking to Him by myself. I’m telling Him all about how amazing my coffee was this morning. I’m thanking Him for that beautiful sunset He created. I’m filling Him in on all my little joys throughout the day and ranting about pointless things.

In return, I’ve been seeing Him more than ever in my life. When you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you (James 4:8).

He just wants a deeper relationship with you.

He rejoices in your “mess” and delights in you being His child.

He knows how to take care of His children.

You were made to be loved by Him.

Your faithful, loving Father.

He’s proud of you - His beautiful masterpiece.

He loves the sound of your voice.

He loves you. He will be patient with you. He will take care of you.

He sees you as His little smiling child. 

A little child who’s only focused on one thing.

Become so captivated by the Lord that you can’t take your eyes off Him.

Let your faith be so childlike you can’t help but spend every second with the One who created you.




Don’t miss what God is saying to you.