Real love

JANUARY 11TH 2023 10:34 PM

I haven’t written in a while. I felt inspired during my quiet time. So here is my quiet time realization. 

John 15:19

“If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own. However, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of it, the world hates you.”

I struggle so often because I feel as if I have to please the people around me. I feel like I have to impress people online. I have to check off all the boxes and look cool doing it. I get so torn between the world and the Lord. I hate it. I hate feeling like if I follow Jesus I have to give up “looking cool and being successful on the internet.” A HUGE LIE planted by the enemy that absolutely eats me alive. Laying wide awake at 2 am having an identity crisis because I fear the world hating me. Ridiculous, but we’ve all been there.

This verse always stands out to me. It strikes insecurity. A constant insecurity that I will never be enough for the world, let alone the God of the universe. Another lie fueled by the enemy. The enemy loves to do that! He loves to feed you lies, insecurity, and fear.

Now. Read this and let it sink in REALLY well (yes I’m talking to myself too right now).

You are chosen by the God who created the mountains and the valleys. 

You are chosen by the God who created the world you are so terrified of. 

God chose you LONG before you were even created. 

He chose you knowing you may never choose Him back.

The funny thing about our world is if you don’t choose to live for it, it’s going to hate you. It will not choose you unless you choose it first. Unless you are living for worldly things, it will not choose you.

God isn’t like that. He chose us fully knowing that we may never choose Him back. 

That’s real love. 

The world does not love me. It hates me. And that’s okay. 

The enemy does not care about me the way my Father does.

The enemy wants to see me fail.

The enemy does not love me when I turn away from him.

The enemy does not choose to love me at all actually.

So the next time I’m endlessly scrolling through social media, comparing and doubting myself, I need to remember God chose ME. I am chosen by a faithful loving God. He will never leave me. He loves me as I am. He sees no flaws. His love for me never changes.

The world will only temporarily satisfy me.

But why chose temporary happiness over eternal glory?

Why choose something that only loves you when you give up peace to love it first?

Choose who already loves you.

Choose who already called you beloved without asking anything of you. 



Walk in confidence that you are His beloved.

The world will never satisfy you the way that the God of the universe will.

Choose Him.

Choose real love.


Don’t miss what God is saying to you.


to my mom